Wednesday, November 3, 2010


(fiz-zy-ohp-rick) noun

A person who tends to occupy exercise machines at the gym without actually exercising. This mental defect is usually caused by either complete ignorance of common sense and social etiquette or a sense of entitlement and self-obsession that often affects people who go to the gym on a regular basis. The former is a common affliction of many members in American society.

The latter, however, is a growing and dangerous psychological trend made even more dangerous by the existence of gyms because if these physiopricks get healthier, they will live longer and prolong their physioprickness to the detriment of the world.

And forget asking the physioprick if you could use the machine while he or she "rests." They will likely be too busy listening to their ipod and staring at the wall to be bothered by your simple request to take turns on a machine like people are supposed to do. They will only look at you like you like you're an overly gung-ho, steroid-injected, gym-control freak.

Image: a physioprick not getting up from the gym equipment because screw you, that's why.

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